We have all sinned (Rom 3:23) against God’s holy law and are therefore eternally separated from His presence, power, & blessing (Eph 4:18)and are unable to save ourselves through good works (Titus 3:4-5). The punishment for our sin is death & eternal separation from Him (2 Thess 1:8-9). The Gospel is the good news of God’s merciful love for sinful people and how God chose to redeem people to Himself through Jesus Christ His Son (Titus 2:11-14 & Gal 4:4-7). Jesus was born of a virgin (Matt 1:22-23), He was & is the only human to have lived a sinless life (Heb 4:14-15) and therefore the only One who is worthy to live in God’s presence. However, He chose to die on a cross (John 10:17-18) for our sins taking the punishment that we deserved (1 Peter 1:18). 3 days later God raised Him back to life showing that death has no power over those who are sinless (Rom 6:9). The belief that Jesus died for all our sins is the transforming power of God that changes our lives (Rom 6:5-14). His life, death, & resurrection makes us worthy to live with God forever (John 3:16). The Gospel is the foundation of the Christian’s life, (1 Cor 15:1-2) It saves us, keeps us, and will one day reunite the Church eternally with God for His glory and all creation's good. (Heb 13:20-21).